II. PRELIMINARY EVALUATION Now we are going to present you with a hypothetical situation in which part of a city's groundwater supply has been contaminated and you will be asked to evaluate a particular response option. Later in the survey you will be given a lot of facts and information about groundwater which may or may not assist you in your evaluation. Right now, though, we would like to get a preliminary evaluation from you. Note that the situation we are going to describe is completely hypothetical. It may differ considerably from your current water use situation and from the groundwater situation in your community, and so we would like you to imagine that you live in the city with the groundwater problem described and respond as if you were truly facing this situation. Imagine your city currently gets 50% of its water from groundwater. You have been getting all of your water from the city's public water supply. Now, suppose it is discovered that over the years toxic chemicals from the municipal landfill have been slowly leaking into the water table and the city's groundwater supply is now contaminated. The contamination has been occurring for a number of years and is the result of standard landfill practices. The area of contamination is about 2 square miles and is away from residential areas. Scientists believe that drinking the contaminated water increases the risk of cancer. They have estimated the level of risk to be about 10 additional deaths per million people who drink the water per year. |